Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We enjoy our days off...

My best Sarah Palin. Haha.

Holly Golightly! Haaaha.

...perhaps a little too much. Haha. Love you, Carolyn!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

SAT's again...?!

Yup, only this time it's the subject tests. On Saturday I shall be taking the Ecological Biology, Spanish with Listening and Math Level I tests. But after I finish these, I'll be done with them darn SATs forever!!!!!!!! I cannot wait. I added a few schools to my list of schools to apply to. I am now applying to Penn State, U of Penn, Grove City and Sweet Briar Women's College. Yup. I cannot wait for college. Also, I have a job interview on Monday at Hancock Fabric Store. Pray that it goes well and I get a job!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Football :(

Right now, the Skins are losing to the Lions... THE LIONS, PEOPLE! This is probably the worst team in the NFL we are talking about. I am so embarrassed. At least Penn State beat Ohio last night... though not by anywhere near as much as they should have.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Yaknow how I said I was taking the SAT again to improve my math score?... well guess what! I did! By 80 points. That does not happen very often and I am truly psyched. woo!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

If you had to live off of one food only... what would it be?

Mine would prolly be applesauce or strawberries. I can't decide. What about you?

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Well, I didn't get to go to our homecoming game on Friday. :( I had to babysit my sister. However, spirit week before homecoming was pretty fun. Here is what the lineup was:
Monday: Twin Day (I was twins with my friend Carolyn)
Tuesday: Superhero Day! (my favorite)
Wednesday: Western day (I was a cowgirl)
Thursday: Patriotic Day
Friday: Blue and Gold Day (school colors)
I have so much fun wearing ridiculous outfits to school. Of course we won our homecoming game, just in case you were wondering... Although if you were, it must be because you know nothing about high school football. Smith is 11th in the nation!
And I leave you with a picture of me as Supergirl and Carolyn as Blossom from the Powerpuff Girls.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Well... I took the SAT yesterday. I sure hope I did well. I've taken it before, I just needed to boost my math scores this time... I feel pretty good about it but we'll see how it goes when I get my scores back.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Well... life's a little boring right now. School is same old and home isn't much different. I'll post if and when anything noteworthy happens.

Monday, September 22, 2008

me encanta...

I love Spanish. It's definitely my favorite class. I had an oral presentation today and it was so awesome to hear myself and realize how much better I've gotten at speaking Spanish! I remember 10th grade being so far behind everyone else and practically crying because I couldn't understand the teacher. There are so many cool things about Spanish... for example: the Spanish word "entonces" can be used as you would use an English "therefore," "thus," "and so," "and then," "next" or "as a result." It's like the catch all transition and probably my favorite Spanish word. My favorite Spanish phrase is: "lo que sea" (literally=that which shall be, equivalent to "oh whatever") and my favorite Spanish idiom is: "le patina el coco" (literally=his coconut is slipping, equivalent to "he's got a few screws loose.") So yeah that's all for today.
Ciao mis amigos

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Not enough time in the day...

Oh dear If only there were like 30 hours in the day. That would give me enough extra time to write that paper and still be able to hang out with my friends. :P

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ketchup tastes nothing like tomatoes...

Okay so I don't know that anyone reads this blog... but I am going to keep on posting because the cathartic outlet is nice to have. So yeah... I can't wait to go to college. It's going to be so nice. I can never make up my mind for sure what I want to do with my life after college though. I know I have plenty of time but still... I would feel more secure if I knew what I was aiming for. However, it seems that when I plan out my future God always kinda takes it down a path that I never planned for. But that's okay. I'd much rather Him control my future than me. :P At the same time, I know that a year from now I'll be semi-"on my own" with no real, solid direction mapped out... and it's a bit of a scary thought. I mean, yeah it's exciting to think that I'll be able to make my own decisions and stuff but there's security in having your parents do everything for you. Anyway... that's just what's been on my mind and I leave you with a very puzzling question...

How can some people not like the greatest fruit on Earth(aka tomatoes)?!

Now playing: Hawk Nelson - Everything You Ever Wanted
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, September 13, 2008

stress is not my favorite

There is nothing more exhilarating than spending your entire Saturday morning on college apps... that was sarcasm by the way.

Well just an update on them applications are coming,
I have all my basic fill-in info ready for the following:
William and Mary
Johns Hopkins
V Tech
Now I'm going to fill in some stuff for JMU and take a break for a few hours. Then, I shall proceed to write an activities resume to give to my guidance counselor so's she can write me recommendations. Then, I shall fill out some teacher recommendation forms so's I can get them to write about what a lovely person I am for colleges to read. Sometime next week I'll finish off my essays. And then we'll see... I'm retaking SATs in October and taking subject tests in November. Oh that reminds me that I need to get some study materials for those. :P I am taking Spanish with listening, Biology, and Math level I for subject tests. So yeah... I also have homework aplenty for the weekend. So, basically, I am kinda freakin out right now... just a little... I think I'm gonna need a trip to Starbucks today... maybe I'll take a walk down there in a little bit. Oh snap, I just remembered I have to clean my room and the bathroom today. I think I might cry.

Now playing: The Myriad - Don't Let Them See You!
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

History repeats itself...

Today in History class, we were discussing the 1896 election between Populist/Democrat William Jennings Bryan and Republican McKinley. Our teacher brought up the interesting idea that our current election very closely parallels that of 1896. Is Obama a new W.J. Bryan? Is McCain a new McKinley? Obama definitely leans toward Populism with his policy and is very charismatic as was Bryan. McCain has the fear of populism (because it has some parallels with Communism) on his side much as McKinley did. Well... we'll see what happens. Another interesting idea... our teacher referred to Sarah Palin as "the next T.R." Apparently, her background, controversial policies and potential ability to make or break America bring to mind the days of Teddy Roosevelt. I mean, TR came into the presidency when McKinley was shot... many people have doubts that McCain will live through his presidency (if he is elected). And a final thought regarding the election... many politicians believe that Western Virginia very well may be the deciding point in this election. Exciting, right? All right well I'm out to write a psych paper!

... Oh and just a random PS, my brother never shuts up and it drives me nuts.

Now playing: Phil Wickham - True Love
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Weekends are so much better than school days

I went to Cassidy's this weekend. It was raining and 'twas quite windy due to the tropical storm coming through. We walked down to the park by the lake and chilled. Rachel found this decaying fish on the ground and jokingly told me to pick it up. So i did and Cass took this picture whilst Rachel screamed. Haha. Good times. I am doing Spanish homework right now... I love Spanish! Homework however... well it's better than History homework that is fo sho.

Now playing: Run Kid Run - Love at the Core
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Homework, homework, homework

I have like a bazillion math problems to do and some terms to define and some notes to take and some reading to do and a short research assignment to begin... bleh. It's not even the end of the first week and I already feel swamped! Oh this is gonna be a fun year. I was just workin on college apps. Here are the schools I wanna apply to:
William and Mary
Virginia Tech
Washington and Lee
Johns Hopkins
I think I wanna major in Psychology or Spanish or Premed. I'm thinkin double major in Psych and Spanish. Right now I'm looking at psychiatry for a career choice.

Now playing: Worth Dying For - Unite
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Couple O' Days

Well... truth be told, I don't really feel like a senior. It seems like we just came back from the weekend. My classes this year are English, Spanish 5, Theory of Knowledge, Psychology, Standard Level Math (basically calculus), 2oth Century History and Biology. History is always my worst. It's awesome to see all my buddies again. We've been together so long, we're practically a family now. Haha. And none of our teachers are new faces to us so it really does feel like a big ol' family. It'll be so sad to leave them after graduation. Wellllll... I'm off to do homework. I definitely didn't miss that over the summer!

Now playing: Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
via FoxyTunes
Yeah so, senior year is finally here. I guess this will be my little internet outlet to tell you all what goes down... So stay posted!

Now playing: The Myriad - A Clean Shot
via FoxyTunes